

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Diabetes Mellitus is mostly a lifestyle related condition and dealing with it also requires lifestyle changes. Basically, there are two forms of Diabetes Mellitus—one is the insulin dependent type (IDDM/Type I) and the other is the non-insulin dependent type (NIDDM/ Type II). In patients with Type I DM, there is an absolute absence of the hormone insulin, the hormone responsible for pushing glucose molecules inside our cells, where they should be. In Type II DM, there is a limited amount of insulin supply which is not sufficient enough to sustain the entrance of glucose inside cells.

Management of Diabetes Mellitus as mentioned earlier is mostly related to lifestyle changes, however, specific treatment options also depend on the Type of DM a person suffers from. Patients with DM Type II definitely needs constant insulin supply, while patients with Type II DM will need to control the DM in possible non-medication means before resorting to the use of drugs.

When Is Sugar Level Too Much?

Diabetes Mellitus—we often hear it from all sorts of people… young or old, rich or poor, male or female. The fact about Diabetes Mellitus is that it doesn’t choose any person. It can affect just anyone and the key to avoiding Diabetes Mellitus is to figure out its exact cause, its early signs and symptoms and the early forms of treatments and preventive measures we can take to prevent the course of this disease.

How Diabetes Mellitus Happens?

Basically everything we eat contains sugar—in various amounts. This type of sugar will be metabolized by our body in order to be converted into the simplest form—GLUCOSE. As we may have read from other sources, glucose is the food of each cell we have in our body. Each cell functions because of the energy that glucose can provide. However, glucose is not the only chemical that is needed to provide cell nourishment. An important hormone necessary for glucose to enter the cells is INSULIN.

Hyperglycemia ICD 9

Diabetes is a crucial condition. It may be caused by a low insulin level, if not a complete absence of the hormone insulin. As you might have already know, insulin is very essential in keeping our blood sugar level at its most normal level by allowing the glucose particles to enter our cells. However, in the case of diabetes mellitus, the amount of insulin prevents the entrance of glucose into the cells leading to an accumulation of sugar levels in our blood.

Hyperglycemia is the number one predisposing factor for developing diabetes mellitus and when we speak of diabetes mellitus, there are a lot of varieties on the table. Generally, there are two forms of diabetes mellitus—the non-insulin dependent and the insulin dependent forms. Apart from these general classifications of DM, there are also other forms of DM which diagnoses can differ depending on the cause and the complications.

Why Do I Have Hyperglycemia?

You have diabetes—it might seem the like the end of the world for you but one thing you have to understand about Diabetes is that it is a highly manageable condition. True—that diabetes can lead to many complications like loss of limbs and body parts, heart diseases, kidney diseases, blindness and the likes but with proper management, a person with diabetes can live a normal and healthy lifestyle.

DM is basically a metabolic disorder, more specifically a problem metabolizing glucose, the simplest form of sugar taken up by the cells. In a normal person, blood glucose levels are maintained at a healthy level because the cells continuously take them up. That is not true for people with DM as they lack a certain hormone called insulin which is necessary to proceed with glucose metabolism inside the cells.

Top 4 Hyperglycemia Treatments

Too much of everything is dangerous—the same aphorism is also held true for sugar and sweets! While sugar and sweets are such a delight to the taste and appetite, uncontrolled intake of such foods can be devastating to the health, most especially if we have a history of hyperglycemia and diabetes mellitus in the family.

Once you have been diagnosed with this certain condition—it would be hard to escape it and get out of its maze. But then again, managing one’s health is an effective key towards preventing the attacks of hyperglycemia. Here are important hyperglycemia treatments which you have to put in mind:

Medication Regimen

In people with diabetes mellitus, a case when hyperglycemia becomes uncontrolled—making use of medications like OHA (Oral Hypoglycemic Agents) or Insulin is as vital as breathing. These medications will promote the lowering of one’s blood sugar level and promote the glucose in entering the cellular membrane for metabolism to occur.

Treatment for High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure, often referred to as the “silent killer” is a life threatening condition, especially with poor management. It is called the “silent killer” for the reason that in most of its cases, it presents with few if not no sign or symptom at all. The only time a person will realize he or she is hypertensive is when she presents herself to the clinic and have her blood pressure taken.

There are also times when high blood pressure will present with distinct signs and symptoms. As such, when a person suffers from symptomatic high blood pressure, he or she may experience the following signs and symptoms:

  1. Throbbing and crushing headache, most especially at the rear part of the head due to vasodilation and the pressure of the blood vessels in the brain area.
  2. Dizzines.
  3. Nausea and vomiting
  4. Increased urination

Commonly Prescribed High Blood Pressure Drugs

Medicines play a great role in the treatment of many diseases. This is the reason why a lot of pharmaceutical companies are thriving well in the business arena today. As time passes, more and more people get sick. An average person will develop at least one age related disease in his or her life and this will prompt him or her to take medicines.

Among all disease, high blood pressure is the type which encompasses a lot of drug classifications. One reason for this is the morbidity of hypertension. In fact, the American Heart Association estimates about 75 million people in the US at ages 20 and above suffering from high blood pressure. More than that, in a span of ten years, the rate of death related to high blood pressure rose at an alarming percentage. This makes the treatment for high blood pressure all the more in demand.